Sunday, 13 May 2012

Transportation Lab Schedule (Detailed)

Students (section A and B),

Here is the Transportation Lab Exam Schedule for students (in both sections):

Section A:
On 14/05/2012
90107001 - 90107051 : From 08:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
90107052 - 90107096 : From 12:45 p.m. - 04:30 p.m.

Section B:
On 15/05/2012
90107097 - 90107144 : From 08:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
90107145 - 90107822 : From 12:45 p.m. - 04:30 p.m.

Heena Dhasmana

Thursday, 3 May 2012

For roll nos. 90107134 and 90107063

Shekhar Srivastava (90107134) and Lalit kumar (90107063),

Both of you have your names included in two groups in ED project.

Send me a mail at asap and indicate clearly the group with which you wish to get yourself considered w.r.t. internal assessment.

Heena Dhasmana

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Marks_Quiz IV

Students (section A and B),

Here is the link for Quiz - IV marks.

Quiz - IV marks

Averages are: 6.9 (section A), 9.5 (section B)

Heena Dhasmana

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Evaluation structure_Survey camp & Summer Internship

Students (section A and B),

Here is the evaluation structure for survey camp and summer internship.

4 credits towards "Survey Camp"
8 credits towards "Industrial Internship"

For survey camp, distribution of marks is:

25 for field work
25 for map preparation
25 for report
25 for viva-voce

For Industrial Internship, distribution of marks is:

25 for Training diary
50 for final report
100 for external viva-voce
25 for presentation

Heena Dhasmana

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Transportation Lab Viva schedule_Section B

Dear Students,

Transportation Lab viva will take place on wednesday (25th April, 2012) at 11:30 a.m. sharp (all groups Section B).

-Heena Dhasmana

Sunday, 22 April 2012

TE LAB Viva schedule_Section A

Dear Students,

Transportation Lab viva will be held on Tuesday (24th april, 2012) from 10:45 a.m (for all groups Section A).

Be sure to report on time.

Heena Dhasmana

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Assignment IV - Updated

Students (section A and B),

There is slight change in one problem given in Assignment-IV. Kindly check the updated version in the link given below:

Updated Assignment - IV

Submit the assignment by friday or at most by Monday.

Heena Dhasmana

Monday, 16 April 2012

Quiz - IV Notification

Students (Section A and B),

Quiz-IV will be conducted as per the schedule given below:

Syllabus covered: Complete unit of "Mechanical Vibrations" (leaving numericals)
Date: April 19th, 2012 (section A)
         April 20th, 2012 (section B)

Heena Dhasmana

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Assignment - IV

Students (section A and B),

Refer the link below for Assignment - IV (with problems based on the unit Kinetics of Particles - Impulse and Momentum).

Assignment - IV

Heena Dhasmana

Monday, 9 April 2012

Links for Impact and Abrasion Value Test Methods

Students (section A and B),

Given are the links for documents providing standard test methodology for Impact value and Abrasion value tests.

Aggregate Impact Value Test
Los Angeles Abrasion Value Test

Heena Dhasmana

Friday, 6 April 2012

Marks for Quiz III

Students (section A and B),

Marks for Quiz III are given in the link as under:

Quiz III Marks

Averages are: 2.8 (section A), 4.5 (section B)

Heena Dhasmana

Schedule for Saturday's extra class

Students (section A and B),

Schedule for extra class on saturday (April 7, 2012)  is as given below:

9:30 a.m. - Lecture class (section A)
10:30 a.m. - Lab class (section A)
2:00 p.m. - Lecture class (section B)
3:00 p.m. - Lab class (section B)

Heena Dhasmana

Monday, 19 March 2012

Summer Training Notice

Dear Students (section A and B),

All of you need to carry out a summer training of 6-7 weeks (8 credits) in the time period between the end of 3rd year and the start of your final year.

For this purpose, you are required to meet the faculties allotted roll-number wise (as mentioned below) as soon as possible:
1. 090107001-090107058 (Ms. Heena Dhasmana)
2. 090107060-090107117 (Mrs. Meenu Kalra)
3. 090107118 and rest (Mrs. Pinaki Nayak)

Heena Dhasmana

Sunday, 26 February 2012

ED Course for Mid-Term I exam

Students VI sem (A and B),

For Mid-term I examination, questions from course covered till date will be coming.

Heena Dhasmana

Friday, 24 February 2012

Quiz - I Marks

Students (section A and B),

Here is the link for Quiz - I marks.

Quiz - I marks

Copies will be distributed in the class to be held next.

Heena Dhasmana

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Assignment-III Marks

Students (Section A and B),

Given is the link for Assignment-III marks (maximum marks = 10, for both sections).

Marks for Assignment-III

Heena Dhasmana

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

List of student groups

Students VI sem,

Send me asap a single spreadsheet (excel file) from each section, of student groups for the project related to our lab. This be done and submitted to me (in soft copy) in this week itself.

- Heena Dhasmana

Monday, 13 February 2012

Solutions_Assignment II

Students (section A and B)

See the given link for solutions to Assignment II.

Solutions_Assignment II

Heena Dhasmana

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Assignment - II marks

Students (section A and B),

Given is the link for Assignment - II marks.

Assignment-II marks

NOTE: Section B received their marks out of a total of 21, while Section A had the maximum marks as 25.

Heena Dhasmana

Friday, 3 February 2012

Quiz - I Questions

Students (section A and B),

Given is the link for questions given in today's (03/02/12) quiz.

Quiz - I Questions

Try to give the questions a second attempt (in case you didn't solve at all in the quiz or did incorrect) before we discuss them in our next class.

Heena Dhasmana

Thursday, 2 February 2012

List of Numericals Discussed till date

Students (section A and B),

Given link provides a list of all the questions practiced in class till the topic Kinetics of Particles (last topic "Satellite Motion").

Numericals Discussed in class till date

Heena Dhasmana

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Assignment-I marks for Section A and B

Section A and B students,

The given link contains Assignment-I marks (maximum marks = 10) for both the sections.

Assignment-I marks section A and B

Please refer and contact in case of any query.

-Heena Dhasmana

Monday, 23 January 2012

Notification for Quiz

Section A and B students,

Next week (any day) a quiz will be conducted. Questions from all topics covered till "Kinematics of particles" (wherein last topic was relative motion) are expected to come.

Be present and prepared for the same.

-Heena Dhasmana

Assignment II for Section A

Given is the link for assignment II for section A.

Assignment II for VI sem (Section A)

Deadline for submission is this friday (27 January 2012).

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Link for ppts

Hi all,

Given is the link for two ppts I have used to conduct lectures in class. Please refer the same.

Engineering Dynamics_Introduction and Kinematics
Engineering Dynamics_Kinetics

Heena Dhasmana

Friday, 20 January 2012

Blog for Engineering Dynamics

Dear Students,

Herein, the blog titled, I (Heena Dhasmana) will be giving updates of all that is relevant to the course of Engineering Dynamics.

Please refer the same for all kinds of information or course-related queries in future.

Heena Dhasmana